What do we do
NASERGES S.L. offers the possibility of outsourcing the figure of the health and safety coordinator and the higher technician of prevention of occupational hazards in construction quality and environment offering the most accredited professionals of the sector.
Among the functions that can be assumed by the health and safety coordinator during the execution of the work, according to the chosen modality of contract, stand out:
- Approval of the safety and health plan submittedby the contractor or developer.
- Review, hazards analysis and prevention measures.
- Verify and require written preventive measures according to plan.
- Periodics visits with posibility of permanent presence in the work.
- Planning the execution of the works.
- Coordination of work activities.
- Control of Access to work
- Monitoring and control meetings
- Monthly report (record of visits, incidents…)

Start up the company as well as the contracting of the first charges. The most relevant project is the Castle Square.
Corte Ingles and the new bus station
Execution in security of two notorious places in Pamplona. Corte ingles and the new bus station.
New offices in Orkoien
Opening of offices located in Orkoien.
Expansion of headquarters
Expansion of headquarters in bordering communities
Naserges, global supplier of the Volkswagen Group
First works in Volkswagen Navarra factory and we became supplier of Volkswagen group worldwide.
New headquater
Realization of the work of the new headquarter of CIC in Alava
Foreign projects
First out of state project: Morocco